
Ledbury & District


This page covers the more formal aspects of Ledbury u3a

The Committee

The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held on the third Thursday in November.

There are 8 members on the current committee. Some can be contacted from the links given.

ChairmanTo contact click Chairman
TreasurerTo contact click Treasurer
Business SecretaryTo contact click Business Secretary
Membership SecretaryTo contact click Membership Secretary
Groups Co-Ordinatorto contact click Groups Co-ordinator

Plus 3 more who take on the other roles and duties necessary for our u3a to run smoothly.

Joining or Renewing Membership of Ledbury & District u3a

If you wish to join us please contact the Membership Secretary , who will send you an application form and more details about our u3a.

Subscriptions are payable annually, our year running from 1 September. However, anyone joining on or after 1 June will become a member until September of the following year once the annual fee for that year has been paid.

Fees 2024/25 (from June 1st 2024)

Single PersonTwo people at same address
Basic Membership £12.00Basic Membership £20.00
Existing member of another u3a £7.50Existing members of another u3a £12.00

For current members, renewal forms are delivered to each household in late July.

The basic Membership Subscription is increased by £3.80 where members wish to subscribe to the national U3A magazine ‘u3a Matters’. This is then posted directly to the member.


Your membership records are all held in the Beacon administration system. Click here to access your Membership Record in Beacon. If there are problems contact the Beacon Administrator . You have to enter all the fields to access Beacon and they are case-sensitive. You can then amend your personal details to maintain accuracy.


For those interested in the more formal aspects of Ledbury & District u3a's operation there are a number of administrative documents available

AGM Minutes 2023 Ledbury u3a Equality Diversity Policy
Ledbury u3a Constitution Member Code of Conduct
Ledbury u3a Accessibility Policy Cookie Policy
Ledbury u3a Safeguarding Policy Complaints Procedure
Ledbury u3a Privacy Policy Disciplinary Procedures
Ledbury u3a Data Protection PolicyGrievance Procedures
Health and Safety PolicyIncident Report Form

Other Information

Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster who will be pleased to assist

We hope that you enjoy your membership of Ledbury u3a.